As U probably read,,,I have been walking independantly for about 15 steps at a time...(mami has this on video) and today we went to see a therapist my friend Nicolas Massera went to see and helped him with his walking and gate,,,,, so in order to do so,,,, I didn't go to school in the afternoon.. and there we went all the way to FootPrints to see Leigh Anne Stone..... all the way to 240 Duncan Mills in Toronto,,, cool place.. she put some weights on my ankles and they are suppossed to slow me down (Uhpppmm nice try),,,,,but I did walk a more erect.
We are supposed to see her back again by the 19th of November and by then she will have some more work for me to do,,,,, all these work, because mami wants me walking to Papa negro en Mama when we g down in December..... that means I have to work realllllllly hard to get this done, but it's doable.
Now all the things are geared to get paper work ready, Mami sent my SSAHand BCCL applications for 2008,,,, to see what can be done,,,, so she did that today and now she must continue working on the seat arrangments for our trips.