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Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Another week gone

Hey there,

A whole week is gone in the countdown,,, not much happening but the fact that I am walking more and more.

In fact today I walked the entire hall at Holly Family,,, my grand-parents are going to be very impressed with me at X-mas.

There is something that happened this week,,, my big sista Patricia started working at Wild Wings here in Bolton last Wednesday as a bartender,,, she makes all this weird drinks she learned to make at school,, but mainly she is just serving beer..... Mami is very proud of Patricia,, she is going places.

Check out my pics from time to time, so you can see how I am doing at http://public.fotki.com/18012003/karicia-mia/

Mami still working on the site to post my videos,,, is a long process,,, it takes time and the internet connection is slow at times,, but it will happen.!!!!

I also want you to check this link,,, is the link to order the Angelman Calendars made by Erin Sheldon, Maggie's Mom,,,, order some,,, they rock,,,, I am right there sitting on the beach in the month of January,,

Here's the order link:
Check again for more posts

Posted by kariciamia at 4:44 PM EST

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