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Monday, 10 September 2007
More School meetings

This morning, Mami got a call, they want to have the inspection today for my classroom, so after IBI, Mami and I took my stroller down for a ride to the school and met the ladies from EO,, they will be my OT and PT and JAy Carr for my needs at school.

At the meeting they said I can start next Wednesday but I must be driven to and from school........ but later Mrs. Godfrey said that cannot happen until they install my changing table is installed in the bathroom,, which could take a week to 10 days.

Mami brought me home, I had some potato salad and took a little nap.

Keep in touch!!!

Posted by kariciamia at 3:55 PM EDT
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Messy day

Ufff,,,,,, yesterday's party was a total success... but today we are soo tired,,, Mami is making me feel so comfy, spent the whole day with me rolling around in bed, playing and watching TV.

Can't believe it's all over.. check the link for the pics Mami is posting over at: Onetruemedia

Posted by kariciamia at 3:56 PM EDT
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
We are leaving

Well,,,, it has been a reallllyy busy month,,, but finalllly,, we are leaving for the DR,, we are all really happy and hoping to have a good trip.

There will be lots ofm pics when I get back,, that is a promise!!!!

Watch out for June 27th,,,,, lots stories to tell!!!

Posted by kariciamia at 1:00 AM EDT
Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Well,,, it's has been almost a month since our last entry,,, been busy,,, few things has happend since, like my play room is finished, we got a newair conditioner and Patricia is back from University,, but those are minor details that maybe mami will post later,,, the most important thing is that TODAY I went to Kerry's Place and I met all kind of wonderful people.

They want me to come in twice a week until they get to know me and the Drs. will determine what program I will be following.

So,,, now the ball is really rolling...... there will be more details, now that Mami has some time to write.

Wish me luck!!!

Posted by kariciamia at 4:48 PM EDT
Tuesday, 24 April 2007
End of Speech Therapy

Today is the last of my 6 week block for Speech.... it has been great.

 Sabrina and Cathy think I made great gains, after the 6 weeks, I was able to make few independant exchanges and for someone who has never had comunication skills, well I ma doing pretty good.

We are all sad it came to an end,,, but hopefully they guys at Kerry's Place will pick up the pieces of what I learned and take it from there.

Today is also the last day I will be attending Cranial Therapy as I don't have enought time once I start IBI next week.

Uffff, it has been a really fast and great weeks.

Thank you Kathy Ledwick at Erin Oak and thank you Roselyn at the Caledon Massage clinic....U guys put all your effort to help me.

Thank you

Posted by kariciamia at 4:56 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 May 2007 5:03 PM EDT
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Mami's B-day

Today is Mami's B-day and the first night that I will be left alone with a sitter.

It will be OK, but Mami is worry,,, Daddy has a B-day surprise for her and it has to do with food....... Uhmmmmm Mami is lucky,,,, she gets to eat out yummy stuff,,,,, probably seafood.

Anyway,, U guys out there, wish Happy B-day to my MamiLaughing

Posted by kariciamia at 4:52 PM EDT
Saturday, 7 April 2007
Still not believing I am going to get IBI soon...... it is like a dream

Posted by kariciamia at 9:24 PM EDT
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Dr. Malone and Deprenyl (Carbiodopa/levodopa)
Now Playing: Dr. Malone REPLIED AND I GOT IBI

As we didn't expet it becasue of the amount of time since my Mami contacted Dr. Malone,,,, today we got an e-mail from her,,, but in order for her to see me,,, she has to get a referal from Dr. Zadjman,,,,, we contacted him and Susan said I don't need to see him for the referal. My Dad sent it the e-mail,,, so hopefully I will be able to see her before we go away for the Summer.

There is hope,,,keeping our fingers crossed

Later in the day we got the BIGGGGEST news since my diagnosis, I am getting IBI,,, so our trip to the DR will not be until next year,,,, we are coming back within 3 weeks,,,, not bad for a Summer vacation... to fill up on energy for my IBI,,,, great news.

The best Easter gift ever.

Posted by kariciamia at 11:10 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 8 April 2007 9:24 PM EDT
Sunday, 1 April 2007

As we leave the hotel to continue shopping.... we called aunty Carmen to wish her a Wonderful B-day,,, her BIG 40  is today,,,,we are preparingo for her party next weekend,,, it will be a bit cold as we are expecting the last feel of Winter for the next weekend when temperatures will be droping below 0.... but Spring is near and planting season is just around the corner.

We had a great time in Buffalo, shopping and swinming,,,, it was nice of Daddy to take us away from the hussle of the city.

Look for the pictures on my "pics/video" link

Posted by kariciamia at 11:15 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 5 April 2007 11:19 AM EDT
Saturday, 31 March 2007
Shopping and Swimming
Ahhhhh the pool was ALLL mine,,, Daddy took me in as soon as we checked in,,,,, it was cold outside,,, but inside it was almost 90,,,, great pool temp.

Posted by kariciamia at 9:26 PM EDT

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