Uffff over a year
It is over a year since new entries have been posted in my blog,,, so many things happend during this time which is ALMOST imposible to listen them all. It wuld have been nice if Mami kept a BLOG dahhhhhh
In any case,,,, she talks enough about it and plans on doing it.
So here it goes.... so far I am not walking yet, but everybody that sees me cruising on my walker or aided by one hand sometimes just a finger, says that it will happen soon. I don't know what to think.
Mami sure talks about it enough and I cruise and touch all kinds of things whenever I can. Now I am just going to the YMCA three times a week (M-W-F) because my aid (Wendy) quit in June and nobody found a replacement until last December.
In other news, we spent the Summer in the DR, while the construction of an apartment took place on top of my grand-parents place. My big sister Patricia moved to Univeristy in Toronto and so did my big brother Ryan.
Last March Daddy was diagnosed with Testicular lymphoma, it was really hard on everybody, specially me,, as Daddy didn't play with me as before. He loss all his hair, but he also LOSS ALL those cancer cells, so now he is much better.
I also got my eyes corrected last November, Mami thinks that they only improved a little bit, while Daddy thinks they are just perfect.
Mami kept some kind of blog-notes and she will write some entries as she can remember,,,, but today is the real first entry since Jan. 20 200t that has been written in my blog. Since then as stated a lot of things happend, we went back few times to the DR. Giset came and was sent back ( didn't work out), my grand-parents spent X-mas here in Canada with us. Those are basically some of the mayor highlitghs of this past year.
Posted by kariciamia
at 3:32 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 24 February 2007 4:27 PM EST