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Thursday, 5 April 2007
Dr. Malone and Deprenyl (Carbiodopa/levodopa)
Now Playing: Dr. Malone REPLIED AND I GOT IBI

As we didn't expet it becasue of the amount of time since my Mami contacted Dr. Malone,,,, today we got an e-mail from her,,, but in order for her to see me,,, she has to get a referal from Dr. Zadjman,,,,, we contacted him and Susan said I don't need to see him for the referal. My Dad sent it the e-mail,,, so hopefully I will be able to see her before we go away for the Summer.

There is hope,,,keeping our fingers crossed

Later in the day we got the BIGGGGEST news since my diagnosis, I am getting IBI,,, so our trip to the DR will not be until next year,,,, we are coming back within 3 weeks,,,, not bad for a Summer vacation... to fill up on energy for my IBI,,,, great news.

The best Easter gift ever.

Posted by kariciamia at 11:10 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 8 April 2007 9:24 PM EDT

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