After missinf mass because I get too loud,,,, we went today,,,,, it was OK,,,,,,, mami spent most of the time with me, so she kept me under control.
It looks I am going to have some friends from across the street play with me once mami finish decorating my play room. I already got an invitation from Ashley's mom to ride in her car with her when the days get warmer,,,,,maybe her sister could do some babysitting so Mami and Dad can scape to movies sometime.
Today we went to the Flea Market,,,, nice trip,,, Spring is around the corner and we took some time to spend it there..... eating junk and looking at bargains.
Then finally Daddy to Patricia back to her residence, it looks like she is planning to move back in the house for the Summer,,,,, but I will spend no time with her as I am gone to the DR for a wonderful vacation.