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Friday, 25 November 2005

Mood:  blue
Finally is Friday again, today I woke up a bit under "the weather" maybe because for the first time last night my crazy mami, gave me MSG uuuhhhhh, Daddy was not happy about that,,, but guess what I loved it.

Then mami went down to her treadmill and by the time she came back up, I was in bed. Unfortunately, I woke-up around 4:50 coughing bits of carrots Daddy gave me while we watch CSI Miami.

My big brother still not talking much. He was supposed to go to the movies with Patricia'a boyfriend Mike, but again he didn't make it, so Ryan is mad and taking a big attitude with mami.

Tonite we are going (If I feel better) to the "Amigos Spanish night". This will be held at RFH School and mami is very happy to go and "conversar" with all the other Spanish speaking people in Caledon... ahhhh there will be lots of good food,, I will tell you all about it later.

Posted by kariciamia at 1:09 PM EST

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