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Tuesday, 22 November 2005
November 22
Mood:  blue
Today mami is not feeling too good, big argument at home with my big brother Ryan last night over his hair cut. Daddy didn't like the eye brow thingy and Ryan doesn't think is fair.... anyways.... back to me.

Last night we went to see my Pediatrician and mami asked him to send me to see few specialist and he said he will send some referals. Mami wants to see a new eye doctor, apparently the one I see now is now doing anything about my wondering eye and mami wants that corrected.

Also mami wants to see the Geneticist (Dr. Ferrell at Credit Valley) mami have lots of questions about the size of my deletion, It seems that everybody at the list server agrees that it is important to know how much I have missing in that chromosome 15.

Also, I got my nemonia and flu shot last night, so today I am a bit under the weather.

Again last night Daddy took me to the and I had a great time!!!!!

So, as I said before with my "Blue" emoticon, I am also not feeling good. My arms are sore, but Daddy still took me to the day-care and Michelle gave me some comfort when Daddy left. It will pass,,, I am just a bit sore. Some Tylenol will make it better.

Posted by kariciamia at 7:35 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 November 2005 8:57 AM EST

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